Monday, August 28, 2006 @4:11 PM
when life is pretty peaceful(at home), it seems like there is nothing much to blog.
hm cooked my own lunch, which is walnut porridge. a successful attempt at cooking porridge ever since last dec, when i went for wisdom teeth extraction. over that period i was on a fish porridge diet. 2 pots in a day...8 pots in a week...haha. fish is my favourite food(: oh yes. i tried to steam eggs last sat for lunch. guess what? steamed for 40mins but it wasn't fully cooked still! so pissed with not the egg/wok/water/gas...but with myself. laughs at my stupidity. why did the steaming take so long? it was well-cooked when i added it to instant noodles. when i came home from service, my mom told me, 'you added too much water.' hurhur. because the bowl that she told me to use was the smaller one, but i mistook it for the big one. now i know...yada yada.
has far too many good shows to watch. now i'm hooked onto 'the hospital' starring jerry yan, wu meng da etc. i don't know if they copied the japanese plot or if it's a new plot. since the chinese name is also 白色巨塔. by the way, if you know me well enough, you will know that
i don't like F4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's why till today, i haven't bought any clothes from s&k. that was an old story. i think my opinions have changed. actually jerry has a set of straight, white teeth; vanness has a hot body. lol. vic and ken. no comments. another irony here - i'm downloading 微笑PASTA as well. yes, maybe you guessed it right. i don't like cyndi and nicholas!!! full stop.
haiz. supposed to be studying but end up watching shows that won't help me ace my exams. bleahs. i need to be more disciplined. ya lor.
Saturday, August 26, 2006 @10:56 AM
need all the help to pull up my grades. messaged my cousin and he is willing to help but rather difficult to arrange the time. somemore we live so far apart. it's like from one end to the other...oh man. going to school to approach my tutors, but i must first help myself. aiming to finish all the mcq till i get them all correct. bleahs. study break has come. prelim is coming. i feel a little freaked out.
recently received weird smses from probably, a person who's affected with dementia? one moment the msg sprung up with:
'hi i love you. muack!' two days later, another msg read:
'f*** you and your mother la!' hello. firstly, i asked who the person was, but he/she didn't reply after the proclamation. and i thought maybe i wasn't the intended recipient. forget it, eh? or perhaps the person was angry with me for not remembering who he/she is since i replied 'hi do i know you?''s a foreign number by the way. but still, the four-letter-word sms sounds really crude and impolite. i don't think i deserve that as a stranger. ruined my day bleahs. i think he/she needs to go to imh la. need me to call for the ambulance? tsk tsk.
haiz. i want to go for ice-skating outreach. like the feeling of falling, getting wet, and then standing up on my feet to skate round the rink.
no time, no money. not exactly no time but i know i'm not allowed to go out that often. why cross the line when you know you shouldn't?
thought of all the outreach events in the past one year...went for yummy race, bbq, bowling. but i missed out on a few bowling sessions, kboxing, and now, ice-skating. there's more to 'study study STUDY!' in life.

so graceful can...
Thursday, August 24, 2006 @4:52 PM
i don't know to count myself unlucky or what.
brother took
myhis calculator and i was left without one for an entire day. rather reluctant to borrow from classmate but didn't have a choice. i can't do maths(stats) without one. was extremely excited when he told me he needed one permanently so the calculator returns to him and i get to buy a new one! happily went to sch bookshop and was told the same model costs $20 instead of the usual $16. wa. i didn't know calculator prices also can have inflation. it's an old model but how come it's more expensive? demand is greater than supply? so price increases? tsk. it's an old model. old old model.
dragged myself to tamp instead to get one, hopefully at a reasonable price of $16 or lower. went to this shop at cs called jade gift shop. now you must be thinking, "why did i enter a shop that sells jade to look for a calculator?" foolish you. the shop sells everything(electronic goods) except jade. hahaha. alright. found the casio and sharp ones, and i decided to get the casio model. the newest, if not the second newest model! it costs a mere $20 instead of $27. 401 functions! wow. of course i get that right, and not some others with only 300 pleased with my good buy. till i took out the user guide(extra booklet). wow. this calculator can be used to compute integration, complex numbers, statistics.
UH OH!went home immediately to check cambridge's list of approved calculators. unfortunately, i can't find that calculator model after checking not once, but at least thrice. FAINTS. it's not there. it's fated that i'm not destined to own a new calculator. i am so sad.
another happy-turned-sad shopping experience today. bought dove shampoo and conditioner cos the second item is on 50% discount. wow. little did i realise the second item only applies to treatment products. conned, again. argh.
as an avid radio1003 listener cum supporter, i personally went down to besta counter at tm popular bookstore to sign and show my support for radio shows. it's called "wo yao guang bo ju - wan ren lian shu". i wonder how many actually know and listen to the successful 100 episodes of "2530". but it is expensive to produce one entire series because it's hard to get sponsors. right now they need 10000 signatures so that there will be more of such shows coming up in the future. maybe it might not benefit you that much if you don't listen to chinese radio stations. even so, if you happen to be near these places, just go to the besta counter and sign ok? very quick and easy task! OK? it ends on 8th sept. i'm like doing free advertising here...>.<
Funan DigitaLife Mall #04-K2
East Point #04-06/07
Tampines Mall #03-17
White Sands #05-02/06
Bras Basah Complex Level 5
Orchard MRT Station #B1-02/12
Jurong East MRT Station #01-01
Jurong Point #03-07
Lot 1 #03-13/14
West Mall #04-01
Ang Mo Kio Jubilee Centre #02-07
Causeway Point #03-41/42
Compass Point #03-13
Hougang Mall #03-15/16
Junction 8 #04-02
North Point #03-14/15
Thomson Plaza #01-01
Toa Payoh HDB Hub CD Rama #02-01
time to pom pom. then off to do chem prelim 05 paper, bio exercise and maths a'lvl 05 paper =(
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @7:47 PM
gosh. flunk mock exam like never before. scored even lower than jct when i got an F back then. i know last minute studying doesn't help but it's like i make the funniest and stupidest mistakes that i gave up marking my own script. my tutor thought i didn't mark since i gave the extremely impatient face. although the marks won't be included(mock exam yea..), but that pathetic score only made me worried to the max. pondered on the bus ride home. sighs. i did the set of prelim questions but still, revision wasn't thorough at all. i have only myself to blame. STUDY AHHHHHHHHHHH.
can't help but think of what's happening to me. deteriorating results year after year. am i not cult for studying? that's not an excuse. singapore's education system caters to every one, so i should learn to handle stress(uh stress?) and think! think more! think and analyse. must adjust myself to the TLLM policy.
for the first time i see my brother doing work, and not playing games at this time. how amazing.
Sunday, August 20, 2006 @2:51 PM
after two nights, or rather, at the end of the first night, i can't help but admire Dr a.r. bernard. he's filled with wisdom, spoke words of knowledge. thank you for educating, encouraging and empowering each and every one. hope to share a word also. i think i was even more attentive than i've always been.
knowledge translates into
this is true in the society. the educated are normally those who hold higher positions. right? so if you want others to obey you, then get equipped and be a knowledgeable person!
love is
centred in the will, not emotions.
you love because you choose to love, and you make a commitment to that choice. if you're forced to love, then that is not true love. oh, he illustrated on 'one cannot fall in/out of love'...because there is only the choice to love, or not to love.
cannot disobey without obeying.
at first i was like, 'huh?!' then he enlightened us, saying, when you disobey one, you are actually obeying the other. hm. makes sense right.
4)we live in a
cause and effect universe.
for every effect, there is a cause. and for every cause, there is an effect. it just goes on and on, like the domino effect. so the next time when A knocks into B, don't scold and curse A, because it might be someone else, C, who knocked into A as well, so you get that knocking effect. haha..
only work when they are in
divine order.
if you organise your life, you life is free. that's because there is order. order demands a clear plan of action. if there is a problem, bring order to the problem and then begin to address it. understand? to be effective in life demands order.
then there was this part on songs. on the first night...p&w started with "the time has come" and "great is our god". guess what. i wrote the lyrics on my new yellow foolscap on the same week. how coincidental is that...
the time has come
found love beyond all reason
you gave your life you all for me
and called me yours forever
caught in the mercy fallout
i found hope, found life, found all i need
you're all i need
the time has come to stand for all we believe in
so i for one i'm gonna give my praise to you
today today it's all or nothing
all the way the praise goes out to you
yeah all the praise goes out to you
today today i live for one thing
to give you praise in everything i do
yeah all the praise goes out to you
Thursday, August 17, 2006 @5:16 PM
it's been a few days. finally the week is coming to an end. byebye tests!!! it has come to a halt.
yay no more test tomorrow! feel rather accomplished this week but it's like exams are nearing and i'm still not in the right gear yet. typed the sgc which i postponed for so long. the teacher vetted, but didn't edit anything except that i was told to type 'teejaycee' in full.
received prelim timetable yesterday.
ghted, stared, gasped, stoned. seven days of exams altogether. been having so many tests this week that i can hardly breathe. bleahs. bio, chem, gp, chem, bio, ha! luckily no maths, but next week will have mock exam. perhaps it'll be a good practice to see how unprepared i am. when revision lecture was on yesterday, i seriously realise how badly i need to brush up my integration and all the rest. can't even spot the mistakes printed. and every time i do maths i get so stuck that i stone on the spot. stoning is an art. ya right. i stone too much these days, and for all the past years.
today had my 2.4run. firstly thank God for the timing for C grade if i'm not wrong. it's a C and not a D right. 15:17. slow and steady. i wonder how many people actually lapped me but that can't be helped. even though i have the determination and willpower, possessing resilience, strong and muscular legs, a willing heart, it doesn't help much. i have lousy stamina =( anyway the same thing happened every year. every one chiong to the maximum, ran like it's the last run(but true, it's our last pe lesson, laughs..). still i'm glad napfa is all over, and i'm getting my
gold, not
silver nor
check this out: done by reg and me.

we were bored haha. she did the base while i stacked the top. and we couldn't put the last one on top. grr. but i like this hahaha. and they know that i don't know how to ring the bell at ljs. i pulled the rope down, no wonder it never rings.
now i want to encourage my cgms!! to those who are having exams this week, and next week, go go go! it'll soon be over. do your best for the glory of God! for He'll make you the head and not the tail...
Saturday, August 12, 2006 @1:50 PM
as a jct'o6 failure, i had the privilege to attend a subsidised, where 'i-still-needed-to-pay-ten-bucks' resilience workshop! those people earn good money.
let's calculate - for 2.5hrs, around 16 attendees, no refreshments provided. based on ten bucks a student(since i don't know how much the school paid),
gross salary per hour per speaker : 16 X $10 / 2.5 / 2 = $32
ha ha ha.
sometimes, it's not all about money. if i were to always think 'money money money', then life is totally boring. ok, what was that resilience workshop all about... all in all, we watched a cartoon clip by pixar(i've seen it before -_-), listened to never-ending army stories on how the first speaker dropped out of ocs cos of bone injury, and how the second speaker became a 'traffic police' on ndp night. after which there was a life demonstration of four guys sitting on the chairs, then the chairs were removed, but the guys were still in their positions! WOW. so common can. always do that stunt during orientations...
though i didn't take away much from the workshop, but it definitely gave me an idea of what is the key to success in life. now i can only remember them saying: accurate thinking is the key to success. other than that i could hardly recall what they(he) said. oh. one speaker spoke 95% of the time, the other guy clicked on the mouse 98% of the time. then they gave us this quiz to do, which was on the seven components that made up resilience. the sector that i scored the lowest was: reaching out. oh God, make me a better evangelist please.
ice-cream for ten cheap oi... this is what you get on the last day of fund raising. how does it benefit the students?
i had this conversation with the ice-cream man, who is my friend. oh wells.
friend: buy ice-cream! cheap cheap. ten cents for one scoop only.
me: huh. don't want lah... don't feel like eating it.
friend: ten cents for two scoops, ok?! ok?!!!
me: don't want lah... later then find you.
***after my lunch***
me: what flavours are there?
friend: we only have vanilla. this guy, XX, bought a tub for $1!! it has the durian taste also!
me: (gives the -_- face). ok, how come there's only vanilla? anything...give me one scoop then...
friend: (hands over a spoon with a scoop of ice-cream), exclaiming, "sorry, we JUST ran out of cups!"
me: (gives another -_- face). err. ooookk....
now, take a look at my ice-cream:

it's always good to give to the student welfare fund, but it's always good to go somewhere else for ice-cream. tsk tsk.
my white adidas bag has arrived!! mq, see you on mon, hug hug!
Thursday, August 10, 2006 @12:53 PM
look at what i found in my drawer:

lol. how cool is that. but i realise i can't even 'walk the dog' now.. hahaha.
pe days are gonna be over soon, right after my 2.4run. obviously it hasn't ended yet. cleared the 5 items and all i just hope is i get at least a C for my run. God help me to run faster and allow me to have the willpower to overcome all odds!! think i did worse than last year and actually i couldn't be much bothered. haha thx tjtt. pt did wonders hehe. i love situps. here's my personal record:
situps - 43(better than last yr)
sbj - 175cm(after 3 tries)
sitnreach - 51cm(couldn't be bothered to re-reach)
shuttlerun - 11.0s(YAY)
inclined - 12(i almost died =X)
2.4run - XX:XX(i want at least a C!)
listening to 'surrender' by ccc band. i think it's so super nice. 'perfect love' also. miss the days at indoor stadium. the album is good! thx sharon for being my song library(: supposed to be typing that sgc. i only have one draft after one month. need to type one for ogl, haiz. always spend so long on the com and couldn't get the written work done. gotta change this bad habit tsk tsk. or else in the future i'll never get to meet project deadlines.
i'm all excited! waiting for my new white bag to arrive at mq's place, then she'll pass it to me. whee. baggy. new baggy(:
so many more things to do boohoo. and i'm surviving on plain water. bahh.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 @1:03 PM
launched. o9 aug. it will be a long story. different from the past, where the old is gone. lots of pictures(kisses my hp), less words. gonna be great~ *nods
but firstly,
HAPPY 41st BIRTHDAY! My Homeland - SINGAPORE!since it's still early, it'll be more interesting to blog on yesterday. thx dear friends, the initial 'ponners'. thx for going to sch after much persuasion. love you girls... lunch was fun, right?

that's me, waiting for my creamychicken-penne. some insect bite on my face, argh. redness:(

me happily snapping away while they eat their ice-kachang! oei. whoever hasn't paid me better pay me on fri. LOLX.
saw the small 'kia' yesterday. though we didn't talk much. also that jiek with. someone whom we all wish to know. hahaha. anyway, tm&cs are really crowded shopping malls. it's a small world indeed.
went to shop too..then this is what i bought! lazy to take pic of my tshirt. hahaz.

oh mann. and my cgm asks if i bought 'mighty to save'. that's the latest cd!!

i didn't know that. but i know i wanted the 'united we stand' cd, so.. hehehe. i'm happy =D erm but mighty to save like very nice also >.< now i'm feeling low.
one month to prelims. kind of depressed to see how pathetic i am.
BUT i wanna shine for God. pull up my socks, buck up! jiayou!